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"I believe that change is possible in direct proportion to the desire for change and willingness to do so."  

I am an experienced counselor with a Masters Degree in Social Work from Simmons School of Social Work in Boston.


I have a holistic approach to counseling, taking into account the complex dynamic between mind and body.  Often, traditional talk therapy can increase mental awareness and produce insights, which are essential to change.  However, sometimes clients get stuck talking about the same things without making progress, and require digging deeper than the conscious mind.  This may include the re-patterning of long-held beliefs that no longer serve, or releasing energy that has been "stuck" or "stagnant" in a particular area.  That area may be literally a place in your body, or, more likely, it is noticeable through one or more parts of your life not working out the way you would like, or just not running smoothly.


In order to expand my practice beyond the standard therapy model, my work includes techniques such as therapeutic breathwork, hypnotherapy, meditation, couples facilitation, life coaching, and spiritual counseling.  I specialize in intimacy and sexual issues, recovering from or managing chronic health conditions, Fibromyalgia and other "invisible" disabilities, trauma and PTSD, depression, low self image/self esteem, and  addictive behaviors.  I am also trained in an energy work style that is similar to Reiki.


I work with individuals, couples, families and groups; all ages, as well as all genders and sexual orientations; and all alternative lifestyle choices.  I look forward to helping you make the transformation in your life that you desire.

I have worked with the Tarot for 30 years, reading, teaching, and learning new approaches and interpretations.  I also have studied mythology, archetypes, mysticism, religion, and symbols for many years.  


When I do a reading, I allow the cards to open the path to my own intuition and empathic abilities, in order to see things in a new way, to offer alternative perspectives, insights, and guidance to my clients.  I use the full range of my knowledge and skills to help transmit the meanings and patterns I sense that may hold meaning for my client.


All knowledge is worth having...and knowledge is also power, choice, and learning from past experiences.  Something is only a failure if you didn't learn anything from it.  Tarot readings reveal inner truths that are hidden from our conscious mind, and can offer wisdom and guidance in many areas.   

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